
Aadab Hyderabad is an Indian Telugu-language daily, founded in 2012. Intended as a contender to challenge the rising prominence of the many leading Telugu newspapers, Aadab Hyderabad has managed to surpass some of the popular newspapers in the state of Telangana.

It is published in Hyderabad, in the Indian state of Telangana and it’s headquartered in the same region. Aadab Hyderabad indulges in reporting sports, entertainment, politics, business, finance and health news at the local, national and international levels. Also, Aadab Hyderabad e-paper was launched to increase the readership. Aadab Hyderabad has been popularly known to be an honest news publishing company with no alignments towards any political parties.

Hence, the news that is sourced and delivered always stays true factually. Aadab Hyderabad has gained popularity among its readers for its timely and sincere journalism.

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